Cassandra install on CentOS

Pre Flight Check

1. Check that the machine or VM running CentOS has ip address and internet connectivity
2. yum works - run sudo yum update -y
3. if ifconfig - command not found, then sudo yum -y install net-tools
4. if locate - command not found, then sudo yum -y install mlocate

Installation Steps

1.  Install Java  - sudo yum -y install java
2.  Add the Datastax community repository -
              sudo vi /etc/repos.d/datastax.repo
          Then add the below lines
          name = Datastax Repo for Apache cassandra
          baseurl =
3. Save the file
4. Install Cassandra -  sudo yum install -y dsc30  (for Cassandra 3.0)
                                      sudo yum install -y dsc20 (for cassandra 2.0)

5. Start Cassandra   - sudo systemctl start cassandra

6.  Setup cassandra to start automatically at bootup  - sudo systemctl enable cassandra

7.  check cassandra status  - sudo systemctl status cassandra

8.  Invoke cassandra shell - cqlsh


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